The Adams Society hosts numerous events each year. These include mathematical talks by leading academics in the field, and social events making good use of the historical setting. You can find more about our annual social events at John’s Socials, or check out our Past Events and Photo Gallery.
For in-person events, there is the opportunity to join the speaker and some members of the committee in St John’s Hall after the talks. A form where you can easily sign up to dine in hall if you are not from St John’s should be included in the email for each talk, even if it is not yet linked below. Feel free contact a member of the committee if you would like to book a ticket.
Upcoming and Recent Events
Events 2024–25 can be found here. Remember to sign up to our mailing list to be notified of new events!
Lent Term 2025
What is Maths Anyway?
by Dr Joshua Jackson
Tuesday 18th February, 5.30pm
Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building
What are we doing when we do mathematics? Is mathematics just a game, like chess, or is there something more to it? What is a theorem, really? How is applied mathematics possible? I will attempt to convince you these questions matter, and are worth thinking hard about, whether or not you consider yourself a mathematician. Most of all, I hope to persuade you that you probably don’t know what mathematics is, and neither do I.
This talk is followed by a joyful dinner with Josh at Dishoom!
Wave Phenomena in Random Media
by Dr Orsola Rath Spivack
Tuesday 11th February, 5.30pm
Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building
Random media, such as turbulent atmospheres, randomly rough surfaces, and many others, have material properties that vary in such a way that can only be described statistically. In general, waves propagated and scattered in these materials can only be described statistically through averages and higher moments, and it is natural to expect that any effects derived for waves in a deterministic medium will be somehow ‘averaged out’ in a random medium. Nothing could be further from the truth: both experimental observation and mathematical analysis show that unexpected phenomena occur, such as enhanced backscatter, enhancement of intensity fluctuations, and superfocusing. This talk will explore the main ones and show how some are harnessed to advantage.
Coupling Light with Matter to Compute
by Prof Natalia Berloff
Tuesday 4th February, 5.30pm
Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building
Light’s unparalleled speed and natural parallelism open exciting frontiers in computing. This talk explores how gain-based computing—exploiting light-matter interactions in driven-dissipative systems—can optimise complex problems by encoding them in the system’s gain and loss rates. As the system naturally evolves toward modes of minimal loss, it converges on solutions to Ising, XY, or k-local Hamiltonians, unlocking new avenues for tackling challenging combinatorial tasks. I will compare two major hardware approaches: one that exploits the spontaneous dynamics of polariton condensates, lasers, and atomic systems and another that engineers couplings through optical modulations and feedback loops. Along the way, I will present proof-of-principle experiments illustrating how these unconventional architectures reshape our understanding of computation, bridging fundamental physics and next-generation processing needs.
Michaelmas Term 2024
Engineering Gravitational Theories
by Dr Alejandra Castro-Anich
Tuesday 3rd December, 5.30pm
Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building
Holography posits a radical way to quantify gravitational physics. It claims that all information of a gravitational theory in a region of space can be encoded by a quantum theory at the boundary of this region. This lecture will discuss quantum gravity from an modern perspective. We will see how one can engineer—i.e. design and build—gravity through this relationship, using possible quantum theories on the boundary as materials for the undertaking. I will discuss how overcoming the challenging obstacles to this engineering task is paramount for deciphering mysterious properties of black holes, and understanding the role of dark energy in cosmology.
Castlereagh Christmas!!!
Sunday 1st December, from 7pm onwards
Boys Smith Room, Fisher Building
Pizza! Drinks! Winding down with your fellow mathmos after a long and hard term!
Nuclear Democracy
by David Stuart
Tuesday 12th November, 5.30pm
Castlereagh Room, Fisher Building
Solitons are solutions of partial differential equations which are localised in space and exhibit some particle-like characteristics. This talk will discuss the quantisation of solitons, and the title refers to their eventual description in quantum theory being similar to that of ordinary particles.
Free Knoops!!!
Tuesday 29th October
An Introduction to Arithmetic Statistics
by Dr Jef Laga
Tuesday 22nd October, 5.30pm
Boys Smith Room, Fisher Building
Arithmetic statistics is concerned with the behaviour of number-theoretic objects in families. Some typical questions are: how often is a number prime? How often is a prime congruent to 1 mod 4? How often does a Diophantine equation have a solution? I will give an overview of this subfield of number theory and take us to the cutting edge of modern-day research.
So, you’re a mathmo? Things could be worse. You could be …
by Dr Piers Bursill-Hall
Tuesday 15th October, 3pm
Main Lecture Theatre, Old Divinity School
Begin the new academic year with a sense of satisfaction and contentment. Yes, you didn’t do all the reading ahead you were going to do this summer (but nobody else did either, despite their hints that they did), but you’re alive and (back) in Cambridge, and you’re not at Trinity. That’s a good start, you have to admit. In this talk I want to tell you about one of the most unpleasant – psychotic, sociopathic – mathematicians of all time: misogynistic, obsessive, paranoid, arrogant, scheming, lying, ill-tempered and cruel, who spent most of his life on the edge of a nervous breakdown … you might even think this sounds like a typical (male, obvs) Cambridge mathmo. But no, he was also at Trinity. You, at least, are not a Trinmo.
Fresher’s Squash
Friday 11th October
Dirac Room, Fisher Building