President’s Report 2023

Adams Society Eagle Report

The 100th year of the Adams Society was a very successful one – setting up the society for another 100 successful years. We continued with talks from academics in Cambridge and hosting traditional events such as the Garden Party, Cricket Match (where we reclaimed our crown!) and various other events such as a Knoops Social and games nights. The highlight of the Adams Society calendar was the Centenary – celebrated on the 18th and 19th of February.

Michaelmas term events were mainly talks – with a range of speakers such as Dr Stuart, Jack Thorne and myself. They also covered a wide range of topics such as Special Functions, Number Theory and Probability.

Lent Term was the main part of the Adams Society calendar with a talk by Professor Lister on Fluid Mechanics and many social events such as games nights. The main event was our centenary which was celebrated through a programme of talks by John’s Maths Alumni from a diverse range of backgrounds across academia and industry. The topics included Field Theory, Mathematical Modelling and the Mathematics of Origami. We also had a special edition of our Annual Dinner with alumni from as long ago as 1960 coming to celebrate with us!

All of this was only possible thanks to the hard work of the committee this year and the support from the College and the Fellows. The next 100 years will be started off in good hands under our new President, Franklin.

Vishal Gupta
President 2022-23